Science communication through short films
Scientists are increasingly called upon to communicate the value and importance of their research to the public. We offer undergraduate and graduate seminars that teach students how to effectively communicate their science to a general audience via the production of accessible and engaging short films. Through a series of workshops, we provide training in developing narratives, basic filmmaking, conducting interviews, and film editing techniques. Students produce 3-minute films that are later shared through YouTube and during public tours at Bodega Marine Laboratory. This training in science communications has become a regular component of my undergraduate course BIS 124 (Coastal Marine Research), and is the focus of my Scientific Filmmaking Seminar (ECL 290) for graduate students. The Sanford Lab also produces outreach film for a variety of other events. Watch a selection of films below!
Examples of short films from BIS 124 students (2024)
Undergraduate students in BIS 124 (Coastal Marine Research) produced short films to share their research projects with non-scientists. They premiered these outreach films in a Film Festival at Bodega Marine Laboratory on July 30th. Now you can also watch their outstanding films here!
Examples of short films from BIS 124 students (2023)
Undergraduate students in BIS 124 (Coastal Marine Research) produced short films on their research projects for a general audience. They premiered these outreach films in a Film Festival at Bodega Marine Laboratory in early August. Now you can also watch their outstanding films here!
Examples of short films from graduate students in Scientific Filmmaking (2022)
All of the films presented by graduate students during the Ecology Film Festival in winter 2023 can be viewed here.
Examples of short films from BIS 124 students (2021)
Winner of First Place in the UC Davis 2022 Research Rockstars Undergrad Slam Video Contest! Congratulations to Su & Yessica!
Feeling a Little Crabby. By Sujung Chung and Yessica Gonzalez.
Winner of Third Place in the UC Davis 2022 Research Rockstars Undergrad Slam Video Contest! Congratulations to Michalea & Nicole!
Hungry Hungry Urchins. By Michalea Lai and Nicole Cox.
What are tube feet and how do they work? (July 2021)
A 3-minute educational video made for the UC Davis’ Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program in Ecological and Evolutionary Response to Rapid Environmental Change.
What makes an octopus so good at camouflage? (Picnic Day, April 17, 2021)
A 2-minute public education video made for Picnic Day, UC Davis’ annual Open House event (held virtually in 2021).
Maddy Frey reports on her project on the diversity of ribbon worms (Summer 2020)
“Live from the Field” event (October 2020). Climate change at the land-sea interface.
Eric Sanford discusses research at Bodega Marine Reserve focused on understanding how warming oceans are affecting marine ecosystems. Sponsored by the Organization of Biological Field Stations (OBFS), “Live from the Field” events are part of The Virtual Field (, a program prompted by the pandemic to give students virtual field experiences in ecosystems all over the world.
Examples of short films from graduate students in Scientific Filmmaking (2019)
All of the films presented by graduate students during the Ecology Film Festival in December 2019
can be viewed here.
Examples of short films from BIS 124 students (2019)
Winner of First Place in the UC Davis 2020 Research Rockstars Undergrad Slam Video Contest! Congratulations to Michael & Kenzie!
New-dibranch: The Great Northern Migration. By Michael Brito and Kenzie Pollard.
Winner of the Popular Choice Award in the UC Davis 2020 Research Rockstars Undergrad Slam Video Contest! Congratulations to Jenna & Erin!
The Great Mussel Mortality. By Erin E. de Leon Sanchez and Jenna R. Quan.
Examples of short films from BIS 124 students (2018)
Winner of First Place in the UC Davis 2019 Research Rockstars Undergrad Slam Video Contest! Congratulations to Erica & Feifan!
Do snails put all their eggs in one basket? By Erica Kono and Feifan (Michael) Li.
Plastic Tides. By Pete Srivarom and Breanna Xiong. Winner of Honorable Mention in the 2019 Research Rockstars contest!
Sargassum muticum should MutiGO! By Madeline Frey and Thérèse Burns. Winner of Third Place in the 2019 Research Rockstars contest!
Examples of short films from BIS 124 students (2017)
Winner of First Place in the UC Davis 2018 Research Rockstars Undergrad Slam Video Contest! Congratulations to Seth & Hao Hao!
Anemones or Enemies? By Hao Hao Pontius and Seth Strumwasser.